Zhang, Chen 张晨

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I earned my MS degree in CS at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Science, New York University, New York, NY in May 2018. I received my BS degree in EE at Fudan Unversity, Shanghai, China in June 2016.

My personal interests are in
  • Distributed Systems
  • Parallel Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence

I also have experience with machine learning, NLP, CV, Web, and search engine.

I used to be active in the research field. Here a list of my publications.
On the "Familiar Starnger" Phenomenon in a Large-scale VoD System
C. Zhang, Y. Xu, Y. Zhou, and X. Fu
IEEE Infocom Workshop NetSciCom, 2017. [PDF]

A First Video on Mobile Video Popularity as Time Series
A. Wang, C. Zhang, and Y. Xu
ACM MobiHoc Workshop HotPOST, 2016. [PDF]
Best Paper Runner-Up
Updated by 张晨 Zhang Chen on Feb 27, 2018